
Herman, MA, Irazoqui, JE, Samuel, BS, Vega, N 2022. Editorial: C. elegans host-microbiome interactions: From medical to ecological and evolutionary model. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 12:1035545. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.1035545

Herman MA, Aiello BR, DeLong JD, Garcia-Ruiz H, González AL, Hwang W, McBeth C, Stojkovic EA, Trakselis MA, Yakoby N 2021. A Unifying Framework for Understanding Biological Structures and Functions Across Levels of Biological Organization. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61(6): 2038–2047,

Radeke LJ, Herman MA. 2021 Take a walk to the wild side of Caenorhabditis elegans-pathogen interactions. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 85:e00146-20.

Radeke, L.J., Herman, M.A 2020. Identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans in response to pathogenic and nonpathogenic Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. BMC Microbiol 20, 170

White, CV, Herman, MA. 2018 Transcriptomic, Functional, and Network Analyses Reveal Novel Genes Involved in the Interaction Between Caenorhabditis elegans and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 8:266.

White, CV, Darby, BJ, Breeden, RJ, Herman MA. 2016 A Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain evades a major Caenorhabditis elegans defense pathway. Infect. Immun. 84: 524-536

Darby, BJ, Herman, MA. 2014 Effect of prey richness on a consumer’s growth rate. Oecologia 175, 243-250.

Gomez-Montano L Jumpponen, A, Gonzales. MA, Cusicanqui, J, Valdivia, C, Motavalli, PP, Herman M, Garrett, KA.  2013. Do bacterial and fungal communities in soils of the Bolivian Altiplano change under shorter fallow periods? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 65: 50-59.

Darby, BJ, Todd, TC, Herman, MA 2013 High-throughput amplicon sequencing of rRNA genes requires a copy number correction to accurately reflect the effects of management practices on soil nematode community structure. Mol. Ecol., 22:5456-54-71, DOI: 10.1111/mec.12480.

Coolon, JD, Jones, KL, Todd, TC, Blair, JM, Herman, MA. 2013 Long-term nitrogen amendment alters soil bacterial diversity and assemblage in tallgrass prairie. PLoS One, Jun 28;8(6): e67884

Wheeler DC, Darby BD, Herman, MA 2012.  Several grassland soil nematodes species are insensitive to RNA-mediated interference. Journal of Nematology, 44:92-101.

Darby, B.J., Jones, K.L., Wheeler, D., and Herman, M.A. 2011. Normalization and centering of array-based heterologous genome hybridization based on divergent control probes. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 183

Coolon, JD, Jones, KL, Carr, BC, Todd, TC, Herman, MA. 2009. C. elegans genomic response to soil bacteria predicts environment-specific genetic effects on life history traits. PLoS Genetics, 5(6): e1000503. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000503

Herman, MA; Coolon, JD; Jones, KL; Todd, TC. 2009. Ecological Genomics of Nematode Community Interactions: Model and Non-model Approaches. In Evolutionary Biology from Concept to Application II, ed. by Pierre Pontarotti, Springer: Heidelberg, Germany, p. 303-321.(PDF)

Kammenga, J.E., Herman, M.A., Ouberg. N.J., Johnson, L.C., Breitling, R. (2007), Microarray challenges in ecology, TREE., 22, 273-279.(PDF)

Ungerer, M.C., Johnson, L.C., Herman, M.A.( 2008) Ecological genomics: understanding gene functions in the natural environment. Heredity, 100, 178-183.(PDF)

Jones, K.L., Todd, T.C., Coolon, J.D., Blair, J. M., and Herman, M.A. 2006. Molecular approach for assessing responses of microbial-feeding nematodes to burning and chronic nitrogen enrichment in a native grassland, Mol. Ecol., 15, 2601-2609.(PDF)

Jones, K.L., Todd, T.C., and Herman, M.A. 2006 Development of taxon-specific markers for high-throughput screening of microbial-feeding nematodes, Molecular Ecology Notes, 6, 712-714.(PDF)

Leight ER, Murphy JT, Fantz DA, Pepin D, Schneider DL, Ratliff TM, Mohammad, DH, Herman MA, Kornfeld K.  2015. Conversion of the LIN-1 ETS protein of Caenorhabditis elegans from a SUMOylated transcriptional repressor to a phosphorylated transcriptional activator. Genetics 199: 761-75.

Hajuskova, M, Jindra, M, Herman, MA, Asahina, M. 2009. Nuclear receptor NHR-25 cooperates with Wnt/ß-catenin asymmetry pathway to control T cell differentiation in C. elegans. J Cell Sci.122:3051.

Yu H, Seah A, Herman MA, Ferguson EL, Horvitz HR, Sternberg PW 2009. Wnt and EGF pathways act together to induce C. elegans male hook development. Dev Biol, 327: 419-432.(PDF

Van Hoffelen, S. and Herman, M.A. 2009. Analysis of Wnt signaling during C. elegans postembryonic development. Methods Mol Biol., 469, 87-102.(PDF)

Wu, M. and Herman, M.A. 2007. Asymmetric localization of LIN-17/Fz and MIG-5/Dsh are required for the the asymmetric B cell division in C. elegans. Dev. Biol., 303:650-662. (PDF)

Walston, T., Guo, C., Proenca, R., Wu, M. Herman, M., Hardin, J., Hedgecock, E. 2006. mig-5/Dsh controls cell fate determination and cell migration in C. elegans. Dev. Biol, 298: 485-497.(PDF)

Arata, Y., Kouike, H. Zhang, Y., Herman, M.A., Okano, H, and Sawa, H. 2006. The Wnt signal and Hox cooperate to express PSA-3/Meis, which determines specific daughter fates after asymmetric division in C. elegans, Dev Cell, 11, 105-115.(PDF)

Wu, M. and Herman, M.A. 2006. A novel noncanonical Wnt pathway is involved in the regulation fo the asymmetric B cell division in C. elegansDev. Biol293:316-329.(PDF)

Van Hoffelen, S. and Herman, M.A. 2006. Stem Cells: Specifying stem cell niches in the worm. Curr. Biol. 16, R175-177.(PDF)

Herman, M.A. Hermaphrodite cell fate specification. (January 09, 2006). in WormBook, ed. The C. elegans Research Community, Wormbook,doi/10.1895/wormbook.1.39.1,

Herman, M.A. and Wu, M. (2004). Noncanonical Wnt signaling pathways in C. elegans converge on POP-1/Tcf and control cell polarity. Frontiers in Bioscience 9, 1530-1539.(PDF)

Hoeppner, D., Spector, M.S., Ratliff, T.R., Kinchen, J.M. Granat, S., Lin, S-C, Bhusri, S.S., Conradt, B., Herman, M.A., and Hengartner, M.O. 2004. eor-1 and eor-2 are required for cell-specific apoptotic death in C. elegans, Dev. Biol, 274, 125-138.(PDF)

Zhao, X. Sawa, H., and Herman, M. A. (2003). tcl-2 encodes a novel protein that acts synergistically with the Wnt signaling pathway in C. elegans. Dev. Biol.256, 276-289.(PDF)

Herman, M.A. (2003). Wnt signaling in C. elegans. In Wnt signaling in Development, M. Kühl, Editor. Landes Biosciences: Georgetown, TX, USA, pp.187-212.(PDF)

Herman, M.A. (2002). Control of cell polarity by noncanonical Wnt signaling in C. elegans. 
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Xiaojun Zhao, Ying Yang, David H. A. Fitch, and Michael A. Herman (2002). TLP-1 is an asymmetric cell fate determinant that responds to Wnt signals and controls male tail tip morphogenesis in C. elegans. 
 129, 1497-1508.(PDF)

Herman, M. A. (2001). C. elegans POP-1/TCF functions in a canonical Wnt pathway that controls cell migration and a noncanonical Wnt pathway that controls cell polarity. 
Development 128, 581-590.(PDF)

Korswagen, H. C., Herman, M. A., and Clevers, H. C. (2000). Distinct beta-catenins mediate adhesion and signalling functions in C. elegansNature 406, 527-532.(PDF)

Herman, M. A., Ch'ng, Q., Hettenbach, S. M., Ratliff, T. M., Kenyon, C., and Herman, R. K. (1999). EGL-27 is similar to a metastasis-associated factor and controls cell polarity and cell migration in C. elegans. 
 126, 1055-1064.(PDF)