- Pick one worm and place it in a 2.5ul drop of lysis buffer in the cap of a PCR tube. Close and centrifuge briefly to move to the bottom of the tube.
- Freeze the tubes at –800C for 15min. The idea is to do a freeze-crack to help liberate the DNA. Check that the solution actually freezes. (Step can be repeated for better results if necessary)
- Incubate at 600C for 60 minutes, followed by 950C for 15 minutes. Cool to 40C. Use program "Worm lysis" on thermocycler.
- Pipette 22.5ul of PCR “Master Mix” onto each sample. Set sample in ice bucket until all samples have been prepared. Microfuge briefly.
- Run PCR program appropriate for the template DNA and the primers you are using in the reaction (See Standard PCR Conditions protocol).
- Analyze 5ul of each sample on a 2.0% agarose gel. Be sure to run Lambda StyI or some other molecular weight marker.
Lysis buffer (store at room temperature WITHOUT proteinase K):
- 10mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.2 (100 uL of 1 M in 10 mL)
- 50mM KCl (500 uL of 1 M in 10 mL)
- 2.5 mM MgCl2 (25 uL of 1 M in 10 mL)
- 0.45% Tween 20 (450 uL of 10% in 10 mL)
- 0.05% gelatin (250 uL of 2% in 10 mL)
- Water (Final volume to 10 mL)
- 100ug/ml proteinase K (.5 uL per 100 uL Lysis Buffer)
Master Mix:
Prepare a Master Mix containing the following amounts of each component PER REACTION. Make enough Master Mix for N+1 reactions.
- 15.88 uL dH2O
- 1X Buffer (5 uL)
- 2.5mM dNTPs (0.5 uL of 10 mM)
- .6 Units/reaction polymerase (.12 uL)
- .5 uM F. primer (0.5 ul 25 pM/uL)
- .5 uM R. primer (0.5 ul 25 pM/uL)
*optional .5 mM MgCl2 (1.5 ul 25 mM MgCl2)